Conservation is deeply engrained in our company philosophy. The Painted Dogs Centre educates travellers about the Painted Dog, also known as the African Wild Dog, as one of Africa’s most fascinating endangered mammals. As the African Wild Dog is also highly endangered, the Painted Dog Conservation Centre gives visitors information about the species – and to see them in real life.
Conservation is deeply ingrained in our company philosophy and we always encourage our guests to visit the Wild Dogs at the Painted Dog Conservation Centre in Zimbabwe. The Painted Dogs Centre educates travellers about the Painted Dog, also known as the African Wild Dog, as one of Africa’s most fascinating endangered mammals. As the African Wild Dog is also highly endangered, the Painted Dog Conservation centre gives visitors information about the species – and to see them in real life.
There are two things to do at the Painted Dog Conservation:
According to David Kuvawoga, Operations Manager at PDC, the visitors centre offers an insight into the life of the African Wild Dog.
“Visitors are taken into our Interpretative Hall where they are told the story of Eyespot – one brave dog that went through all the tribulations experienced by most of the dogs as they struggle to get out of their endangered status. It’s a cycle of: birth, family life, hunting, dispersal, forming a new pack is formed, snaring and an uncertain future.”
“Maria and Prim, our guides, will tell a moving story that will capture the hearts of many and most likely make them think of what more they can do to save this species. The visitors’ centre also includes a small gift shop, where guests can purchase souvenirs to help support our free-of-charge facility.”
A raised walkway leads from the visitors’ centre to the rehabilitation facility to meet the two resident dogs, John and Roman. It’s a memorable encounter for those that have not seen Painted Dogs before with their: big round ears, lanky legs, and black, brown, golden coat, and stunning stare.
David Kuvawoga says, “John and Roman are very photogenic. They represent their species, offering education and insight to visitors. John had a broken hip when he joined us at 5 months (he is now 13); Roman is 9 and was born in captivity in Chipangali.”
The facility also has a small lab. “Guests get to see the lab, where we educate the children from local Primary Schools surrounding Hwange National Park by showing them basic studies we do of the dogs’ health.”
A visit to the centre is an exciting opportunity to learn more about this endangered species.
Find out more about the Painted Dogs Conservation on their website here.